
The 27-28 theory

I have a theory about women between the ages of 27-28. This theory was born of my own experiences at that age, and it was further confirmed with the experiences of almost every woman I know. Not exaggerating here.

So here it is:

Women ages 27-28 undergo a massive shift from the angst-ridden and messy uncertainty of their 20s in preparation for the more focussed and confident 30s. On the inside, it feels like insanity, but if you don't weaken, you begin to discover important realizations bubbling up through the noise.
  • What you really want to do.
  • What you really don't want to do.
  • Who you want to be with.
  • Who your real friends are.
  • How to make your ideal life happen.
  • What's happiness?
  • And how you intend to find it.
As a result: friendships and relationships may morph or come to end, career paths change, attitudes towards your environment are transformed, plans for marriage and children are hatched, bodies begin to reshape, etc.

It's kind of like a second adolescence - but you have better shoes and a little more money.

It's an awful period but it's important work that needs to be done -- survived. As I approach 37, I'm beginning to wonder if there's another shift ahead and what it will mean for who I eventually become in my 40s. Whatever happens, I'll keep you posted.


Mtnhighmama said...

Absolutely this happens! You know about Saturn Return, yes?

Etienne Denis said...

Maybe it's because I'm a man or maybe it's because I never do things at the right age, but all you describes happens to at 40-44 (and it's not finish yet).


ad said...

I had never heard of Saturn return, but... wow!


(you mean it's not my theory and my theory alone? drat.)

Unknown said...

I heard that as you approach your 40s, and in your 40s, you feel better about yourself in general. You like your body more, you like your mind more, you like your life more. And apparently, it only gets better :-)

ad said...

I'm certainly planning on it.

roseanne said...

yep, sounds like saturn return to me. sorry, ad, but the cosmos beat you to it ;)

the further behind my late 20s are, the better my life is. my 30s have been great, so far, and they're just going to get better and better...

(ps: i can't believe you're almost 37! i had you pegged for early 30s. congrats on your youthful demeanor!)

ad said...

I can truthfully say that the last seven or so years have been the best of my life. I can't believe how much clearer everything seems... and I'm curious to see how I will continue to evolve into my forties.

Thanks Roseanne - it's all about the yoga, baby!

Curious Traveller said...

I certainly had a LOT of upheaval during 28, so that part of the theory fits for me, but at 34 I still don't feel like I'm "on the right path". I feel like I'm still just bumbling around, trying to figure it out yet at the same time I feel like nothing much has happened since that period of great upheaval. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything.

I wonder which will happen first: will I start to feel like I'm getting somewhere? Or will I give up and stop trying to get anywhere?

ad said...

Sarah - I certainly feel as if you're going places. You've had so many successes lately - don't underestimate those achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

To others they may seem mighty impressive.
