

In light of recent news that buying breast implants is now a community service, I thought it appropriate to share a few words about breasts.

One of the best bras I own is a Triumph bra. It's a demi-cup – which is perfect for those of us on the lower end of the B-scale who cannot fill a whole cup – with underwire and a little poof of padding that pushes everything slightly upwards for a fuller effect. Other than a nasty little bow with fake pearls that I couldn't cut out, it’s the perfect bra.

When I purchased this particular item however, the tag read:
Triumph…specially designed for the smaller proportioned figure type.

Now, isn’t that the height of politically correct? I’ve seen a lot of euphemisms in my time and have learned to appreciate their built-it irony, but I especially like ‘Smaller proportioned figure type’ because you can tell they were trying to come up with something really delicate. Their earnestness betrayed by the use of too many words that stumble over one another.

This phrase cannot be read through with a straight delivery. There needs to be some hemming and hawing, for example, “Ah, you know…the small…no, smaller proportioned figure…uh…type. Yes, that’s it, the smaller proportioned figure type. Yes.”

And even the name brand is worth a roll or two of the eye. What exactly do I need to triumph over? 

Is the very progress of my life being impaired by a B cup? It all seems over-dramatic to me, but in the maelstrom of female angst over boob size, shape and weight, there is a lot of drama involved. Breast size does seem to inflict an inordinate amount of anguish on the female population and I am not immune. Like so many others, I have “booby” tops that make me more voluptuous in the upper regions and “boobless” tops that I swear to throw away once and forever every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

Breasts are a very key part of who we are as women, so we can’t help talking about them and mythologizing them. If you doubt this in the least, ask a breast cancer survivor who lost hers to a scalpel.

So no matter what size breast you boast ladies, your girls are yours for life so learn to love 'em.


Tha Connoisseur said...

Ohhhh girl, now you know I can go on and on ranting about "da boobs". You can tell the world how I used to sport and LOVE my DD's. Only to have them sized down to a C cup. You are damn right to say that our boobs are an extension of of ourselves. If you don't know, then you better ask somebody!! I miss my DD's (and as you remember enjoyed them IMMENSELY!) and if it wasn't for the damn back ache I received from lobbying them around - they would still be with me today. But hey, I love my C cups and they still run around just as pretentious as my DD cups were. : )


ad said...

amc, I DO have fond memories of your boobs. How many times I fought the inexplicable urge to just lay my head on your downy bosom and forget the troubles of the world *SIGH*
C cups, DD cups - as long as it doesn't interfere with your ability to get ignorant... ;)

ad said...

And props to Sandra for having an equally enviable rack - lurve ya girl! xx

dina said...

Walk a mile in my bra and you'll wonder why anyone would want more than a B cup. When you can't find tops that fit properly or do any exercise that involves jumping up and down comfortably, and did I mention paying $100 for each bra because they don't sell your size just anywhere. If someone's willing to pay for my reduction, I'll gladly give you the excess boobage...

Sandra Simao Andrade said...

Best compliment I had all day. I know you like them :)-
"By the way, they're real and they're spectacular!"

Tha Connoisseur said...

I am now caught in the middle.

I want to shout from the mountain tops - you celebrate your boobdom Sandra! Do the damn thing!

Yet on the other hand, I totally hear what Ms. Mundane is talking about. Forking out the extra money for the extra material to cover my gorgeous plus size rack was NOT shopping fun for me. And then to find tops to fit over the girls??? Oh boy, that's trouble when you have to wear an extra large top and your waist is a size 8 (I understand). So I feel you on that.

Hang in there my ladies, we can complain about them now, but be glad they are still doing their thing. I say this because our convo in the next 10 years may be how gravity has won it's battle.


ad said...

All of a sudden, I love my girls all the more...