Engulfed in feelings of fatness, I took up a good portion of my Tuesday whining (out loud and internally) about:
- having so many skinny friends
- how much I hate being the non-slim one
- spreadage
- the overwhelming sensation that my chair was about to give out...
Etc. Etc. You ladies know what I'm talking about. We all know it isn't necessarily true, but that doesn't stop us from throwing a pity party for one now and again. At lunch, I even tried to explain to The Pope the secret glee felt by women in their 30s when confronted with twenty-somethings who have just discovered knee fat.
"It's the first chink in their armor of invincibility!"
That's when I saw an elegant 50-something at the next table smiling at me, and I realised, "Oooh, crap, I wonder what she's waiting for me to discover about myself as I get older."
Oh, irony. The real kind. Not the Alanis Morissette variety.
To apologise for being so mean to be body, I took a nice hot bath last night and admired the workmanship. The sheen of brown skin. Strong legs. Nice feet. Smooth upper arms just starting to show lines of definition.
Because the thing is - this won't last. Right now I am strong and beautiful and healthy, but it won't always be like this. My skin with get drier, more wrinkled. My joints will lose their flexibility. My butt will sag. So if I don't enjoy all this gorgeousness right now, when will I ever? If I spend my time complaining about all the things I can fix, I will never appreciate the body that stands before me now. And en plus, when will that dissatisfaction ever end? Seems to me that the coming years will only bring more reason to complain - if we let them.
So people, don't line the pockets of cosmetic surgeons. Instead, be nice to your bodies. Stroke your fine head of hair. Hug your fat if you've got it. Wiggle your toes a lot. You'll probably never have it this good again.
A friend of mine made an interesting point recently about taking care of one's body.
He said that he only does those things which are necessary in order for him to live the type of lifestyle he wants to live.
Do you love running marathons? Then your body will adapt to this lifestyle.
Do you love sitting in front of the TV all day? Again, your body will adapt to this lifestyle.
Maintaining a body which does not match your lifestyle is not going to work out in the long run.
Now, I'm no lady, and I've never held a pity party, but I do sometimes care about how I look, regardless of how I feel. But I also stay true to my lifestyle, which was no accident.
Your friend sounds pretty smart.
I think choosing a lifestyle (i.e. not falling into it out of apathy), then living it fully and with joy in your heart is the best that you could ask for.
If you must throw the occasional pity party, then so be it. As long as it is brief and followed by some rousing reality. I know I'm feeling better today.
Nice article. Can I write one as well???? about women who don't understand how men appreciate women and their bodies. where should I post it???
Cause I swear if I hear another one tell me that she's too fat, or too old, or this sags... I WILL LOSE IT!!!! I know women are crazy... but really, don't you girls know that you are all pretty much beautiful.
Another thing, nothing pisses me off more than seeing a pretty girl walking down the street with a frown, or even a half frown.... It's like smearing cheese wiz on the Mona Lisa!!
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