
Palanca in a pickle

Sometimes I am socially retarded when it comes to introducing myself - or other people. At parties, I will often introduce people that have known each other for centuries - and then blank out and forget to introduce the complete strangers.

And whenever I try to correct this problem, I tend to overcompensate (of course). I either find myself being a premature introducer, nervously interrupting a conversation to introduce myself or other people, or (more commonly) I just skip the step altogether.

As a result, there are numerous people in my life - people I see on a regular basis - whose name I do not know, and who probably assume my name is Melissa. Or Amelia. I know enough to ask about their children or their dogs. I know about their aches and pains, and they know about mine. They always comment when I get a haircut. And yet...

With some, this has gone on for years. It's ridiculous. But like so many other things, once a certain window of opportunity has passed, asking, "I'm sorry I never caught your name..." feels ridiculous. Conversations generally spark spontaneously when eyes meet. Saying "hey mister!" or "hello missy" comes in handy when you need to get their attention - or they need to get yours.

It's remarkably easy to see someone once a week for years and never have to use their name.
It doesn't impact the quality of the relationship either.

Inevitably though, one of us will sheepishly crack and names will eventually be disclosed. There is usually a little blushing and nervous laughter. Perhaps a joke or two, "did I forget? hahah!" or "can you believe...?" I'd like to be able to tell you that this no longer happens, but it does.

I'm working on it though.

Until then, if we cross paths on the street, please just introduce yourself first. My little brain will be grateful.

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