
I miss you J. Hamilton

Correction, I miss talking to you, Hamilton. I could have used your explanations during the World Series.
Wherever you are cookie, I send you love and happiness.

For the rest of you who have no idea to whom I refer, listen to this tune by Angus & Julia Stone instead.


Anonymous said...

I saw your blog as one Tha Connoisseur follows and was intrigued by your blog name so thought I'd give a peek.

This video was great - as an artist I loved the visuals, very "Scaramouche" - the puppets and masks way cool.

Hope you find your J. Hamilton again, or someone else who can explain the World Series and other mysteries of life. . . .

ad said...

That's sweet, popartdiva, thanks for dropping by.
Did you love the little elephant walking along the guitar neck?