- I check my email every 28 seconds.
- I immediately Google all new people.
- I am currently embroiled in nine poke wars on Facebook.
- I get impatient when someone actually starts typing "www" in the URL window.
- I have been known to "take control" of the mouse when colleagues are moving too slowly (I'm sorry, Martino, mea culpa).
- I now say things like, "I can't get the RSS feed to work on Facebook. I've enabled all the automatic updates. Is the app a non-starter, or am I missing something?"
I don't think Hail Marys and Our Fathers will help on this one.
Girl, I have THE solution for you ...
Mais bon, si tu es si addict que ça, tu as déjà dû la lire sur Trouvailles.branchez-vous.com :D
Grande consommation de caféine??
Nope sorry ... it is on now! Server problem!
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