Without further ado, thank you...
Ma and Pa, for receiving me into this world with so much joy and for sustaining it (even while making me crazy)
Pietro, for helping me deal with the parental units
Cara and Luca, for always throwing your little arms around my neck and kissing me even when I don't ask for it
Zac and Ben M, Ben and Naomi W, Cosmo and Alex D, a child's love is not given easily, and knowing this makes your tender welcomes even more special
Powell, for reminding me that I don't need to be so serious all the time and for inspiring change
SM, for teaching me to accept compliments and for thinking I have beautiful feet
Tom, for talking me off the cliff whenever I get dangerously close to the edge
Mani and Mark, for wiping my tears and feeding me sushi more times than I can count
Paula, for teaching me new things about myself - even though you're not trying
Fadi, for giving me faith
Steve and Dina, for feeding me and for letting me chase your kids down the hallAlexis D, for thinking I'm cool - even after all these years - and for letting me hang out with your family
Melissa, for thinking I could party like a rock star
Sandra, for being my sexy (platonic) girlfriend
Rachel, Lindsay, and AMC, for being the bestest girl crushes (giggle)
my colleagues, for smiling through yet another diva crisis as I rant about preposition use and for letting me believe I run the place (I do!)
my fellow women writers, for doing things with words that take my breath away
And last but not least, thank you body, for happily carrying me through another year with little complaint.
If I haven't mentioned you by name - blame it on my lack of sleep and a too-heavy penchant for sentimentalism tonight. Know that I love you like mad and will happily tell you so. I cannot wait to see what adventures we'll get up to this year... hey, who wants to go to India??
And of course, a Happy wonderful and delightful birthday to you my love!
"Platonic"?!!! What about that wonderful night we spent together? Doesn't that mean anything to you woman?
"Sexy" : damn right!!! Too bad only my girl friends seem to think so. Stupid boys :(
Lurve you.
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