
Enough with the new technology, already!

Sometimes I get so weary of the Web and its never-ending traffic of words and images. There are too many must-see videos to watch. Too many new technologies to learn. Too many passwords to remember. And I'm still not quite convinced that Twitter is useful for me right now.

It was only recently, while reading a blog post about social media, that I finally realised why I get to feeling this way:

You're tired of new technology: Seriously, you just want things to slow down a little and perhaps get really good at using some of the great technologies that are out there before you have to jump on another without even knowing why you're jumping.

Yes! Yes! That's it! Exactly!

I have strong knowledge of social media networks and blogging, as well as a firm grasp of SEO writing and how Google works. But there is still so much that's vague to me.

I understand that in order to build your brand online, you have to participate on many different platforms and be constantly promoting yourself. Thing is - I would rather excel in a few select domains, than have a sketchy-basic knowledge of most technologies and trends.

See, I still believe in having expertise. I don't buy into the actor-celeb-singer-perfumer-designer-write(choke) Paris Hilton model. I don't want to be good at everything. I just want to be really good at my things.

So I'm not going to try and be the big Web expert of everything any longer. I'm just going to focus on those technologies that best bring out my expertise.


chantilly said...

This: "But there is still so much that's vague to me."

YES, YES, YES!! I've realized that I simply canNOT learn all i need to know to be able to do what i wanna do wrt social media stuff. So instead i'm learning just enough to be dangerous..heh, no really, I'm learning just enough so that when I get other people who know more about it to do it for/with me I have an idea of what's going on. The actual nuts'n'bolts? eh, nsm teh important. :)

ad said...

I must thank you, chantilly... It's our conversations that helped me figger this out :)