
Bad Facebook!

While checking my FB profile this morning (on my break, of course!), I was dismayed to discover that an advertisement was preventing me from seeing the notification and chat status bars in the bottom right corner.

No big deal, right? "Just close the window, Adriana!"

Except no “Close window” option. No matter where you clicked on the ad, it redirected towards the contest landing page. After three attempts, I learned that to make the ad disappear, I had to click on another page of my profile.

What would Jakob Nielsen say about this?

(and don't get me started on how Facebook doesn't seem to understand that I want my page displayed in English, SVP)


Anonymous said...

If you're using Firefox (and why aren't you if you aren't?), I suggest you get the "Flashblock" and "Nuke Anything Enhanced" addons.
After you download them, you can simply right-click those ads and select "Remove Forever."
VoilĂ . Yeah, it sucks that you have to actually perform extraneous operations on FB, but there you go.
Besides, those addons are great for removing annoying sidebar ads on other pages as well.

ad said...

Thanks for the advice, Michel - I will commence downloading immediately.

(and of course I use Firefox! I've heard that some people are still using Explorer, but their brains will probably explode soon...)

Also, the ad doesn't pop up on FB anymore. I wonder if they pulled it?

Patrice said...

hi adriana.
In fact the best tool to remove ads and whatever-image/script you want from Firefox is Adblock Plus (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865)
You then "subscribe" to a list (the EasyList/USA is perfect for us)

And if you still see ads on a page, just click on the top-right ADP button in Firefox and add a "wildcard" (a * ) to the URL of the website (ex : www.thewebsite.com/ads/annoyingAd01.jpg become www.thewebsite.com/ads/* )

bonne chance avec mon explication :)

ad said...

Merci pour ta patience, Patrice!

Je vais essayer d'installer ca demain.

Say some Hail Marys for me.

(The flashblock did not install! I think my computer hates me...)