As breathing is the core of yoga, I began to feel the benefits of this new practice immediately. One of the first concepts you're taught as a yogi is that most people only use the top third of their lungs while breathing, and that to breathe more effectively, you must learn to use your full lung capacity.
Simply put, most of us breathe at the level of our collarbones, with our chests pumping in and out. Yogis learn to breathe with their full rib cage, and are able to breathe through the back as well.
These early morning classes I'm now taking are proving to be beneficial in that I seem to be more aware of my breath at seven a.m. than I am at seven p.m. Especially when in savasana. Even though I am lying on my back, I feel my breath moving horizontally and not just vertically. My organs and muscles moving apart like tectonic plates with each exhale, and then knitting back together again on the inhale.
So your challenge for the day? Try breathing with your whole lungs. Use you full rib cage. Feel that oxygen moving around...
NB1: Chapter Five is a hot mess, but getting better.
NB2: Thanks to Porkchop for the Fleet Foxes cd. They'll be playing Divan Orange in July.
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