
I want to be Durga!

As far as Hindu goddesses go, Lakshmi, all serenity in her pink lotus, is pretty hot. She's the personification of fortune, beauty and prosperity - no wonder she's the consort of Vishnu, the supreme being! They're the Brangelina of the Hindu universe.

I'm all Lakshmi-ed up - wall-to-wall love and prosperity are coming my way, people. But I have to say that if given the choice, I would choose Durga over Lakshmi.

For the geek set, this is somewhat akin to making a choice between Princess Leia and Padmé Amidala. Between Eowyn and Arwen. Between gorgeous and kick ass, and beneficent and just having a sweet can. Do you feel me?

Why you should want to be Durga too:
  1. She's exquisitely beautiful.
  2. She's a supreme goddess.
  3. She rides a lion or tiger.
  4. She convinced the male gods to give her their fiercest weapons.
  5. She is the embodiment of creative energy.
  6. All the male gods want to get down with her.
  7. Her name in Sanskrit means 'invincible'.
  8. She is fearless.
Although in some aspects of my life, I should be a little less invincible, I could stand to learn a little more fearless. Maybe if I had some crazy chakra karate chop...

While I work it out, embrace your inner Durgas!

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