
Too cool

Yes, there is such a thing as being too cool.

I know this not because I myself am cool. I’m currently sitting on my big red couch with dirty hair, wearing an old sweatshirt and eating dried cranberries out of a yogurt container as I type. I am no authority on cool. My only credentials are that I love observing human behaviour.

Taking a stroll through my new neighbourhood, I noticed that a few of my fellow Plateau-denizens are taking ‘cool’ to the extreme. Apparently, for some people, it’s not enough to be merely surfboard cool or just ugly 80s revival.

Today, I saw one guy wearing converse sneakers, skinny black jeans, a striped purple and white t-shirt under a black hoodie, and a bright green scarf knotted around his neck. He was also sporting facial piercings galore and the type of asymmetrical haircut usually seen emerging from Coupe Bizarre or some such.

Did I mention he was also holding a longboard?

"Pick one, buddy," I felt like saying. "Pick ONE."

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