You never know when your yoga teacher will use a new metaphor or rephrase an instruction in such a way as to make it completely new.
So I did. And then the most amazing thing happened. My knee actually floated a little bit closer to the floor.
Same thing while attempting salamba sirsasana (supported headstand). I couldn't get my legs up. Allison suggested (as she always does), "Squeeze your elbows, Adriana."
Now it always seems to me that I am squeezing my elbows, but this time I squeezed them a little more and my feet lifted from the floor as if by magic. I made no exertion other than squeezing my elbows. Gobsmacked.
So listen. You never know when the simplest of instructions could open new space.
I went to a knitting circle one night at my old yoga studio. Failed to realise that the whole time would be spent in lotus (or, like you, half lotus) on the floor.
My hips were killing me at the end.
Sitting on the block has been helping :)
I only remembered to get a block at the end. Because I'm quick like that.
(BTW, if you're looking for some for home use or whatever, Joy of Yoga is selling off their stuff:
The connections between yoga and tango continue to amaze me. :) This is very neat!
That comforts me, ModernTanguera. I won't be able to get back to tango before July, so maybe the yoga will help my body to remember.
I so miss tango...
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