

One of my co-workers asked me this week, "Don't you ever get writer's block?" I responded quickly and with a snort, "Nooo!"

And it's the truth: at work, I don't get writer's block. The words flow easily through my fingers and into the keyboard. It's almost as if I have a stock of sentences - politely queuing up behind my eyes - patiently waiting for their turn to step up. You want me to write about a new train fare? I can pull out an entire landing page in less than an hour. An article about a website relaunch? I don't even have to think about the structure. I just start typing and the paragraphs form naturally - like frost on a window pane.

And yet, have I picked up that novel of mine since the fall? Have I progressed one page further since before Christmas? The chapters complete, just awaiting revision... Have I?

No - with an N and an O in nine-foot tall letters of flashing fuschia pink.

Many moons ago, someone I called Cookie gave me a great gift. He said, "It doesn't matter how long it lies dormant. Whenever you need it, it will still be there waiting for you."

For him it was the music. For me it was the words. But the message worked anyway.

So guess what words? I am coming back to you. My heart is melting, my sap is running... and Chapter Five had better be prepared for a revision never before seen.


In the meantime, get an earful of Panda Bear. He looks like Tobey Maguire, and the sounds are surf-cool.


Anne C. said...

Yay for Chapter 5!

Steve said...

I should not have brought up the block, sorry about that...guess it's like Fight Club's first rule
