Warning to any readers from Jasper3: Stop reading immediately. This is not really hockey-related.
For the first time in a long time, I wanted to put on my jersey and sulk like all good Habs fans must do now and again. But then I remembered that I don't have it anymore. And I was sad.
But then I remembered that one of my favourite people in the world has it. And I was happy again.
Especially happy to think that my memory lives on outside the fraught fenced-in perimeter of my own consciousness. That maybe I impact the lives of other people even when I'm not around. That there are all kinds of people out there who love me even if they aren't around to tell me so.
That I don't have to explain to people why I'm wearing a Russ Courtnall jersey from 1990.
So here's something for you to do... Remember something of you that you left behind - or dig up something special that someone once left with you, marvel at how much it is cherished, remember how much you love that person or how much they still love you.
It will be very good for your heart.
Jasper3 - if you're still reading - don't say I didn't warn you.
Yes, you warned us. To continue on the jersey theme, I inherited a fuchsia jersey that belonged to the spirited grandma of my best NY gal friend, and even though it is now in terrible shape, I cannot throw it out. That granny rocked and it also keeps me connected to my girlfriend.
I believe it totally subversive and borderline unorthodox to use our city's Habs passion to talk about such a girly thing as a long lost sweater.
To grossly paraphrase A league of their own : There is no mushiness in hockey.
But still, great read Ad, as always.
P.S. We need more posts about the lesser known Courtnall, Russ's brother Geoff!
Russ was cuter...
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