
Photo meme

Take a picture of yourself right now. Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with your picture.

Palanca, post-yoga, post-yoga, pre-bath. Steve! Why am I doing this?


Steve said...

I don't know...but whatever the reason, we're officially even!

ad said...

I can live with that.

dina said...

You look.....lovely....

Tha Connoisseur said...

Ummm....yes...lovely would be the word! :) Better than I would look, that's for damn sure.

ad said...

In my defense, I will say that I was leaning over my computer... the angle... um... forget it...

Tha Connoisseur said...

Doesn't matter what angle, I could still eat ya up with a spoon! xoxox

ad said...

**White girl blushing**

Alston Adams said...

I ran across this entry because my RSS reader had a hiccup and...

Holy crap.