
36 years

I just called my mother.

Me: Hello! I was just born.
Ma: [laughing]
Me: I figured since I kept you up 36 years ago, I might keep you awake tonight too.

It was a short conversation because she's 70 now and likes to go to bed early. She told me the story of how she cried when I was born. How the nurse asked her, "Mrs. Palanca, first you were crying because of the pain. Why are you crying now?"

"Because I have a daughter," she said.

I used to roll my eyes through that story-heard-too-often, but now I listen attentively. And smile. I told her that I couldn't talk long because I had some things to do. So she told me that she loves me more than a nest of mice and bid me tonight.

It's been a very good birthday. A very good 36 years. Thanks to all who contributed to this important effort!


Mtnhighmama said...

Happiest of Birthdays to You!

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

Happy birthday!

Wings said...

Happy Birthday!

ad said...

Thanks friends!

Anonymous said...

A nest of mice? Is that a badly-translated Italian expression?

ad said...

No, the translation is correct - it's just one of those awkward/absurd Italian metaphors. And my mother is a little *special* :)