
Hello Vitamin Water!

Whenever I go to the U.S, there are two products that I immediately procure:
1) Orbit gum (mint mojito, if I can help it)
2) Vitamin Water

Not only are we Canadians being deprived of two really delicious products, but now I also discover that the Vitamin Water website kicks our Canadian asses design-wise as well. The site is so bee-yoo-ti-ful, I wish I could make out with it.

Why aren't we producing websites like that?

Or commercials like these, for that matter:

Oh, Snoop, you're so wacky!


Tha Connoisseur said...

Too funny, I recently jumped into the Vitamin Water pool last month and I second you on that. And as for Orbit, it has become one of my favs. Ahhh man, I guess I will have to smuggle some back with me...

MOI said...

I Like this spot !!