
My name is... hey!

Thanks to H, the engineer and resident South American expert in the office, I recently discovered the concept of the simple machine, i.e. a tool that requires the application of a single force to function. There are six of them: the inclined plane, the wheel and axle, lever, pulley, wedge and screw. As *simple* as they may seem, they were the basic tools that built the pyramids.

Furthermore, all tools that we use today are some version of these six simple machines.

In Spanish, as we already know, lever is 'palanca'.

So as it turns out, my name also means 'simple machine' and 'tool'.

Despite the obvious euphemisms for 'dumb', I would like to once again emphasize my name's powerful ability to move objects of great weight. To underline my point, I will quote Archimedes, who once said, "Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world.”

Dadme una palanca y un punto de apoyo y moveré el mundo.

Be careful world - I'm moving you!

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