
Tango lesson 9

Three huge developments last week:

1) I now have enough skills now that I think I can get through a tango (with someone other than my usual partners) without embarassing myself.

2) Now when I listen to tango music, I want to dance.

3) And finally, a good piece of advice from Bulent: "If you feel the energy pulling you forward, then just go forward. Instead of hesitating, it's better to just go and make a mistake. That's the only way you'll learn."

I cannot wait for next week's class...


siobhan curious said...

"If you feel the energy pulling you forward, then just go forward. Instead of hesitating, it's better to just go and make a mistake. That's the only way you'll learn."

Advice to be applied to everything.

ad said...

And yet - so not intuitive.

We are genetically programmed to hesitate - probably left over from the days when we were prey. Although hesitating is very beneficial in many instances, I definitely have difficulty understanding when it's time to pass from hesitancy to action.

And there is a crucial moment there that most of us miss.

Alston Adams said...

I wonder where I am hesitating in life...

ad said...

I have a list... and I think it's getting longer. Somehow.