
Adriana Palanca got into trouble yesterday

...and may I serve as an example to you all!

I totally got nabbed for not declaring all purchased goods at the Canadian border yesterday.
Car searched. All three of us were separated and "interrogated" separately. I was asked to partially undress.
Paperwork was generated. And now my file has been tagged so that whenever I cross back into Canada (for the next two years), I have a greater chance of being searched all over again.

Rest easy people, your tax dollars were hard at work this weekend.

The upside is - while stripping for the nice Customs officers (ladies, of course), I was able to pull the Victoria's Secret underwear I was so ineffectually "hiding" from the depths of my bra (one in each cup) with all the flourish of a practiced magician. They seemed unphased, but I was mightily amused.


Unknown said...

Wow. I'm in shock!

Hopefully you'll get more than a blog post out of this. Maybe an essay or two. And a National Magazine Award--that would be nice.

ad said...

That *would* be nice!
Or if Clive Owen wants to comfort me - that would be nice too...

Tha Connoisseur said...

Sorry but - HAHA! :)

Been there, done that a long time ago. But wow, how times have changed! Stripped down to your skivies for the guards? They're not playing anymore!

Pauvre Rinanna, my little bad girl!...lol

ad said...

I think I was relieved to get caught, you know...
It's tough being this perfect all the time ;)